Case Study

Workflow Management Application Development


Service Profile

Android and iOS based Workflow management application development


Client Background

Customer is a global organization offering an industry supported platform for technical standards development.


Business Challenge

A mobile solution was needed to support the web based workflow management for the technical standards development program. The mobile solution would position the client to serve its customers better through improved notifications and access to consensus gathering tasks leading to faster cycle times.


Nabla Solution

Nabla undertook a platform neutral approach for faster time to market of the application and built the application using the “Titanium - Appcelerator” framework. This approach allowed us to leverage a single source deployment to the Android and iOS platforms. Additionally Java, J2EE, Spring, JSON and RESTful Web Services were used to integrate with the client’s legacy web application.


Benefits To Client

• Timely notifications to customers on tasks requiring action led to quicker cycle times and impacted bottom line through better throughput.
• The increased productivity of the technical committee member due to ability to complete their work on the mobile app.


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